
Red Lentil Soup with Chicken and Turnips


Red Lentil Soup with Chicken and Turnips might be a good recipe to expand your main course repertoire. This recipe serves 8 and costs $3.0 per serving. One serving contains 477 calories, 27g of protein, and 20g of fat. It is brought to you by Pink When. 1866 people have tried and liked this recipe. It can be enjoyed any time, but it is especially good for Autumn. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 55 minutes. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free and dairy free diet. Head to the store and pick up salt and pepper, canned tomatoes, flat leaf parsley, and a few other things to make it today. Overall, this recipe earns a spectacular spoonacular score of 99%. If you like this recipe, you might also like recipes such as Red Lentil and Chicken Soup, Red Lentil and Chicken Soup, and Red-Lentil Soup.



additional toppings: diced avocado, micro greens, chopped basil)

additional toppings: diced avocado, micro greens, chopped basil)


carrots, peeled and diced

3 medium carrots, peeled and diced


celery stalks, diced

3 celery stalks, diced


fully-cooked chicken breast, shredded (may be omitted for a vegetarian version)

2 cups fully-cooked chicken breast, shredded (may be omitted for a vegetarian version)


flat leaf Italian parsley, chopped (plus extra for garnish)

½ cup flat leaf Italian parsley, chopped (plus extra for garnish)


garlic, finely minced

6 cloves of garlic, finely minced


olive oil

2 tablespoons olive oil


can plum tomatoes, drained and rinsed, chopped

28 ounce-can plum tomatoes, drained and rinsed, chopped


dried red lentils, rinsed

2 cups dried red lentils, rinsed


salt and black pepper, to taste

salt and black pepper, to taste


turnip, peeled and diced

1 large turnip, peeled and diced


vegetable stock

8 cups vegetable stock


yellow onion, diced

1 medium yellow onion, diced